
Join Our Mission to Bring Light Without Borders

At Light Without Borders, your support makes a world of difference. Whether it’s through donations, volunteering your time, or participating in our events and expeditions, you can help transform lives by restoring sight and dignity to those in need. Explore the ways you can join us in creating a brighter future for refugees and vulnerable communities.


Be part of our team and make a hands-on impact. As a volunteer, you’ll work alongside our dedicated medical staff and support logistics, patient care, and community outreach in our mobile clinics. Your skills and compassion can transform lives while fostering a sense of mutual support and belonging.
For more information, read our volunteering guide

Make a Donation

Your contribution helps fund vital eye care services, including mobile clinics, prescription glasses, and life-changing surgeries for refugees. Every donation, no matter the size, directly supports our mission to eliminate uncorrected poor vision and provide hope where it’s needed most.

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Donation Total: $250.00

Events & Expeditions

Attend or host events to support our cause!

Free eye clinic in Athens [3-13 December 2024]

Light Without Borders is excited to announce our next Mobile Eye Clinic Expedition in Thessaloniki! After the success of our previous expeditions, where we provided life-changing eye care to over 1,600 patients, we are returning to continue our mission of restoring vision and hope to refugees in Greece.

December 3, 2024 - December 13, 2024

Your support can change lives: donate today and give hope to those who need it most.

Donate now