The Essence of Light project gives emotional support to refugees and volunteers through flower essence therapy.
Flower essences can help people overcome insomnia and the effects of trauma, fear and shock. We support the art and value of flower essence therapy and are grateful for the close relationship with the California Flower Essence Society, who donated flower essences and special thanks to Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz for their kindness and faith in what we do and their endless support.
Many refugees who visit the Light Without Borders eye clinic show signs of emotional distress. Where appropriate, they are offered carefully prepared and suitably chosen flower essences. All essences can be safely taken by children and adults, and are without harmful side effects.
Dear Patricia and Richard,
From the depths of my heart, I want to express my profound gratitude for the unwavering support you offer to me and the Light Without Borders project. Your dedication to the transformative power of flower essences has not only enriched our work but also brought emotional healing and hope to countless lives.
Your kindness, wisdom, and belief in the mission of providing emotional accompaniment to those in need are a true beacon of light. Thank you for standing with us, for inspiring us, and for empowering us to continue this heartfelt journey of service.
With immense love and gratitude,
The Role of Water as an Information Carrier
Flower essences are solar infusions of flowers that transmit the plant’s information through water. Numerous studies have demonstrated water’s ability to carry and communicate information, reminding us of the fundamental connection between plant life and our healing capabilities.
The Natural Healing Power of Flower Essences
Nature has always been a source of healing. From the first herbal remedies to modern pharmacology, plants have played a crucial role in medicine. Flower essences act as a bridge to deeper healing, allowing individuals to reconnect with the soul’s purpose.
The Impact of Essences on Human Beings
Flower essences are like delicate threads that repair the soul. They act as catalysts for internal conflicts, always respecting the person’s free will. According to Edward Bach, illness arises when there is a disconnection between the soul and the personality, and flower essences help remind us of the higher purpose of our existence.
The Mystery of Nature and Plants
Each plant is unique and expresses an idea, an archetype. Flower essences encapsulate that information, allowing contact with them to trigger profound internal transformations. Paracelsus’ “doctrine of signatures” enables us to read the language of plants and discover what they can offer us.
Experience in Lesbos
Chaparral: Healing Deep Traumas
The Chaparral flower essence is especially effective in cleansing trauma embedded in the psyche. It is a powerful tool to purify the devastating experiences of those exposed to violence and degradation. During my work in the refugee camp in Lesbos, I had the opportunity to witness its impact on individuals who have endured horrific traumas.
Stories of Healing
Cases like Baremah, Yves, Joan, and Olivier are examples of how trauma can remain trapped in the mind, but also of how flower essences can help release that pain. Chaparral works on the psychic level, while other essences like Arnica and Star of Bethlehem focus on the physical and emotional levels, enabling comprehensive healing.
Different Essences for Different Needs
Chaparral purifies the psyche, Arnica restores the physical body, and Star of Bethlehem returns emotional harmony. Each essence works on a different level, and their combination is key to healing complex traumas. Other essences, such as Penstemon and Fireweed, also play an important role in resilience and healing in extreme situations.
A Special Thank You
Thanks to Luz Carmona and her organization, Light Without Borders, for allowing me to be part of this compassionate and humanitarian work. Healing the refugees is a long and challenging process, but with the power of flower essences, a door of hope is opened.
Ricardo Mateos